Monday, March 14, 2016


Surface noise

in Tool Pallette-> Surface -> Noise Pallette

Scale Noise, that's using the grapth.

It gives you a preview until you apply it to Mesh. Before you applied the noise, you can Edit it at any time.

a Preview is different than what you will see in Render. Render to see how it really applies.
1// Basic Noise

You can use masking with Surface, wherever you don't want to see the noise.  You can also apply a different kind of mode on the same noise for the masked area.
Sterngth of the Mask-  how much does it affect the Masked area
Magnify by Mask - for a different size in the Masked area.

CTRL+H - to hide mask

PGs are IMPORTANT- helps you to keep it clean nice and fast.

You can add Color to area with noise and without noise.
Color Blend to 0 or pick the white color in the grapth to turn the coloring effect off

2// NoisePlug

a separate plugin.

You can combine the 2 Noises and tell it how to Mix it.
Mix Basic Noise to 0 - to only have the Noise from Plugin

Mixing Modes:

Minimum- going to peaks
Maximum - only going to cavities

NoisePlug- Edit- to edit the noiseplug noise itself.

the sliders in the Bottom-= Angle, Axis and Scale are usable ONLY for the NoisePlug.

* Use Them Separate
* Use them with Masking

3// Making your own noise

Bring in the tillable img, alpha.
You can not use all 3 at the same time. Use only 2 types of Noise together. * The Alpha img + Basic Noise or Alpha img + Noise Plug or Basic Noise + Noise Plug

Alpha on/off-  import the Alpha
tweak scale if you don't see the img, tweak Strength.

DONT use Jpegs. PSD are better as they don't have as much noise with them as JPEGS do. USE them B&W.

using    -   3D ( the mesh itself) //    UVs ( if you previousely created it)

* When you tweak the Noise and want to rerender, tweak the model a bit so the render doesn't apply the old shadows. If you see mess, that means you still have the old shadows applied.

Array Mesh

fake repeates the mesh. If you shange the original Mesh, the change happens to all of the repeated once.
Turn on Array Mesh
Repeat steps-  how many you want

Rotate* - 360 for a circle. Move the yellow circle  ( Transpose on-show transpose)

Append New- takes everything from the previous one and duplicates it. You can rotate and position it differently.
Append New again- takes previous 2  duplicates them...etc


Create Insert MeshBrush-> Create NanoMesh

NanoMesh in toolbox for adjustments

To convert All to Mesh-> Geometry -> convert BPR to Geo
To convert one by one-> Nanomesh-> Inventory-> One to Mesh


Tool-> UV Map

UV Regions
UV Islands

. even with a point, do not lay Regions on top of each other (unless its on purpose.......some weird purpose)

You Make the UVs from THE LOWEST /as low as possible mesh. The mesh you would put then in the engins...

On top of that ( like following the template) , go maps like

Texture Map (paint information)
Displacement (sculpt information and silluete)
Bump (sculpt)
Normal(keeps surface flat but shows the volume)

LOD: level of detail.

Maps Sizes-

Biggest ZBrush Map- 8K

4K - 4096x4096 ----hosts   abt 16, polygons
2K - 2048x2048 ----hosts   abt 4,5 mil
1K - 1024x1024-----hosts   abt 2,1 mil

FE,  a 4mil mesh will minimum need a 4K map, a 7mil mesh-> 4K...etc
Keep in mind, all the empty spaces between the islands waists the pixels of the map.

The Bigger the Map, the longer the Renders....

UV Map

types of UV you can do in zbrush

- computergenerated:

AUVTiles -ripps off all polygons and lays them all side by side, making a grid
GUVTiles- group UV, does AUV and groups polygons, that are close to each other into islands
PUV- pack UV- a combination of both. Keeps groups and occupies the most of the Region

-a plugin, UV Master

ZPlugin->  UV Master


WORK ON CLONE- always!!!!!!!!!!!!

UnWrap - creates the UV
Flatten- to see how your UV looks like flat
UnFlatten- if you flatten, please unflatten it!
CheckSeems- to see where the seems are on the model. You always want to Hide the Seems!
Polygroups- Makes each PG into an island

*Apply a checker pattern to make sure nothing is stretching too much.

Control the seams by:

Enable Control Painting- (symmetry on, only RGB on)

Protect- red- area to protect from seem cut,
Attract-blue- attracts the seem to cut,
Erase - if you made the mistake and need to erase areas

Copy UVs   from this clone       ->     Paste Uvs to your good model (it should be on the lowest level)

UV Map -> Morth UV to see it flatten the model
UVMap Size- pick the one you need.

Texture Map ( create from the highest level, the best quality of your point)   ->  New from Polypaint ( creates the Map with your polypaint)

New from UV Check- shows what your UVs look like on the model

Always turn on Antialiased

GoZ to Maya

R - the programs you can GoZ to

Renderings for Film

- RenderMan

Renderings for Game

- Unreal (by Epic Games)
- Unity
- Cry Engine ( by Crisis)
- Snowdrop

Simple Renders

KeyShot +Photoshop

Navigating in Maya:

ALT+ left click - rotate
ALT+ right click - zoom
ALT+ middle click- move

1 - 1st level
2- 2nd level in zbrush
3- highest level
4- wireframe
5- shading view
6- textured from zbrush

F- framing

in the tool bar-> UV Editor

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